I am currently a post-doc at LaBRI, working with Nathanaël Fijalkow on Safe AI through formal methods.
Before, I was an ATER (aka teaching assistant) at Université Paris Cité, doing my research at IRIF.
A little bit before that, I was a PhD student at LIX, École Polytechnique and at LMF, Université Paris-Saclay, where I worked with Eric Goubault and Jean Goubault-Larrecq.
I am interested in program synthesis and reinforcement learning, topology, concurrency and category theory (the order is not random).
You can contact me by sending an e-mail to: roman (AT) knzv.me or roman.kniazev (AT) u-bordeaux.fr
Here is my (not yet updated) CV.
I do some film photography, see my instagram.